Useful Links
If you need inspiration about what else you can do in Leitrim, we have compiled the ideal list of places to go, things to do and a range of documentaries.
Unique Things to Do in Leitrim
Leitrim has a wide range of attractions and activities. From heritage and culture to walking and angling and lots more, Leitrim has lots to see and do. If you are intending to visit Leitrim before, during or after The Leitrim Gathering, Leitrim Tourism have compiled the very best of things to see and do in Leitrim. Plan your trip today and you are guaranteed to encounter truly authentic Leitrim experiences.
Leitrim has featured in many documentaries in television and online. Find out more about the people and traditions of the county in advance of The Leitrim Gathering. If you are intending to visit Leitrim before, during or after The Leitrim Gathering, Leitrim Tourism have compiled the very best of things to see and do in Leitrim. Plan your trip today and you are guaranteed to encounter truly authentic Leitrim experiences.
'Connecting Through Leitrim's Heritage' Videos
Leitrim’s rich and diverse heritage is one of the defining features of our county. Learn more about the traditions of the past and present with the Connecting Through Leitrim Heritage YouTube channel.
Other Videos
The Leitrim Equation production looks to a long tradition of Leitrim music to trace a wider history full of colour, of love and loss, and of leaving and coming back. From the hills of Sí Beag and Sí Mór and the pits of the Arigna mines to the music of Irish communities of London and New York; the show describes how landscape shapes us, and the extent to which place, time and events influence who we are.
Leitrim County Council’s Arts Office captures the variety of artistic talents available in our wonderful county. Follow the journeys of the artists who are at the forefront of cultural experiences in Leitrim.
If you are thinking of relocating to Lovely Leitrim, we have some added motivation to encourage you. Follow the journeys of those who have already made the move in TG4’s Moving West.